Welcome: TheHedge.org

The Irish Hedgerows website

We provide information on activities and habitats that are related to hedges!

Hedges are an important part of our experience of the country, not only for the wide range of trees, hedging, shrubs and other plants that grow there but also for the many animals and other forms of wildlife that live at the margins of fields.

Our mission is to conserve and maintain Ireland’s ‘living boundaries’.

Mid Summer Heritage Festival in Ballyboughal

Find out all the details here.


Find out all the details here.

HEDGE 5K PRIMROSE RUN 28th April 2024

Find out all the details here.

Hedge Laying with Robert and Emma Birtwistle & David and Ross Thompson (2024)

Find out all the details here.

Introduction to Hedge Laying Course SKERRIES

Find out all the details here.

Heritage walk 24th June in Ballyboughal

Find out all the details here.

Strava distance details image

Sunday Wildflower Walks

Find out all the details here.

Events for Biodiversity Week May 2023

Find out all the details here.

Read our latest post on our Tree Planting event. It was great fun!!!

Find out all the details Read about it here.

New post on swifts

Read our post on Swifts and nest boxes here.

We need your help!

With the help of the Garristown Biodiversity group and John Lusby from Birdwatch Ireland, we now have 4 barn owl boxes installed around Ballyboughal.

Photograph of a Barn OwlWe are looking for a new location to install the next barn owl box.

The site should preferably be in an open sided barn. A barn that has wooden beams is preferable as this makes the installation easier. Please note, any use of rodenticide will deem the site unsuitable.

Please contact Ann at [email protected] if you have or know of a suitable site.

Read more about our Barn Owl project here!

Our local walking route:

New Way Marked Way – Sli na Sceacha in Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin. It consists of a 6-mile walking and cycling route along hedge-lined country lanes in Ballyboughal. This was funded by the Heritage Council.
Click here for a downloadable map (pdf)

Strava distance details image WARNING: The R129 section from Ballyboughal Bridge to Roscall Crossroads is a busy road.  For more info call Ann on 01 8433745. Private-themed guided tours are available.

Know the law

According to the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000, it is an offence to cut, grub, burn or destroy any vegetation growing on any uncultivated land, and in any hedge or ditch between 1st March and 31st August inclusive.

Public safety or health works by the government are exempt, as is vegetation clearing in course of the road or other construction works for buildings.

Hedges, their plants and wildlife!